In this interview, featured on American Airlines in-flight radio, Donna Stoneham discusses Integral Intelligence® and her forthcoming book, “The Thriver’s Edge: Seven Keys to Transform the Way You Live, Love and Lead”.
The Power to Thrive™
THRIVING: Unleashing our potential to grow, flourish and experience a sense of trust and well-being in ourselves, our work and lives so that we may deliver our greatest talents and capabilities.
A commitment to thriving is critical to leadership and sustainability in organizations. A recent Gallup Survey reports that only 24% of adults in the world and 56% in the US believe they are thriving.¹ When they analyzed which states in the US led the nation in thriving, Gallup discovered two main factors separated those who considered themselves to be thriving: Positivity and Optimism.² In 2013, Gallup also discovered that 87% of workers in the world and 71% in the US feel disengaged at work.³
This data has powerful implications for leaders, teams and organizations. When we thrive, we become exemplars and inspire those we influence to set a higher bar―to believe they can achieve and contribute their best and not settle for anything less than they are capable of becoming. When we are guided by self-insight, focus on leading from strengths and foster those skills in others, we create a ripple effect that makes our teams, organizations, families and world a better place.
Since 1993 our focus has been on helping leaders, teams and organizations unleash their power to thrive and add value for their stakeholders. Through hundreds of executive coaching, leadership and team development programs; appreciative inquiries, and organization effectiveness engagements we’ve delivered to our clients, we had and will always have one driving mission―to make a positive impact in the lives of those we serve.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our site to learn more about us, our approach, and our services. Please contact us to explore how we can help you, your team or your organization unleash your power to thrive!
¹ Nearly One in Four Worldwide Thriving: Majorities in 17 out of 146 Countries Thriving, Gallup® World, April 10, 2012, by Julie Ray
² Positivity and Optimism the Norm in “Thriving” U.S. States: Hawaii Residents Lead the Nation; Optimistic Georgians, Texans and Louisianans Also Do Well, Gallup® Well-Being, April 1,2011, by Lymari Morales
³ Worldwide, 13% of Employees Are Engaged at Work: Low Workplace Engagement Offers Opportunities to Improve Business Outcomes, Gallup® World, October 13, 2013, by Steve Crabtree